(No 02 February, 2016, Updated to 20/02/2016)

Taxation –Charges– Fees

1. Official Letter No. 801/TCT-TNCN dated 02/03/2016 by The Directorate  of Taxguiding final account of Personal income Tax  in 2015 and issuance of Tax code for dependents (Particular letter).

2. Circular  No. 21/2016/TT-BTC guiding tax declaration for VAT and tas incentive for Corporate income Tax as stipulated in Decree No. 111/2015/ND-CP dated 03/11/2015 by The  Government on the development of supporting industry.

3. Circular No. 36/2016/TT-BTC dated 26/02/2016 by The Ministry of Finance guiding the implementation of tax provisions for organizations, individuals conducting search operations, exploration and exploitation of oil and gas under the provisions of The Petroleum Law

4. Decision No. 862/QD-BTC dated 07/3/2016 by The Ministry of Industry and trade on  application of provisional self-defence measures

5. Decision No. 920/QD-BCT dated 10/03/2016 by The Ministry of Industry and Trade on  application of global self-defence measures


6. Official Letter No. 1044/BYT-KH-TC dated 29/02/2016 by The Ministry of Health guiding to complement the implementation of Joint Circular 37/2015/TTLT-BYT-BTC regulating unificationof healthcare service prices, medical health insurance between hospitals of the same category in the whole country (Particular letter).

7. Circular No. 05/2016/TT-BYT dated 29/02/2016 by The Ministry of Health regulating on prescription of drugs for outpatient treatment

Economic policies –Social 

8. Decision No. 306/QD-TTg on the adjustment of lending rates for producing households, trading in disadvantaged areas

9. Decision No. 307/QD-TTg on the adjustment of lending rates for traders operating business in disadvantaged areas

Finance – Banking – Credit

10. Circular No. 02/2016/TT-NHNN dated 26/02/2016 by The State Bank on asset preservation services, leasing cabinets, safety deposit box of credit organization

11. Circular No. 03/2016/TT-NHNN dated 26/02/2016 guiding some contents on the management of foreign exchange for the loan, repayment of foreign debts of Enterprises

VINH PHAM, Lawyer-CPA-Tax Agent-Chartered Tax Adviser